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Detail of diabetic retinopathy (DR)
ncRNA name caspase-14 siRNA
ncRNA Category siRNA
Disease name diabetic retinopathy (DR)
Species Homo sapiens
Tissues/Cell_line human RPE cell line ARPE-19
Methods siRNA transfection, Western blot, TUNEL assay
Expression pattern associated
Functional description Caspase-14 expression in ARPE-19 cells increased FITC-dextran leakage through the confluent monolayer and decreased the transcellular electrical resistance (TER). These effects of HG were prevented by caspase-14 knockdown. Furthermore, caspase-14 knockdown prevented the HG-induced activation of caspase-1 and caspase-9, the only activated caspases by HG.
PubMed ID 25121097
Year 2014
Title Caspase-14 expression impairs retinal pigment epithelium barrier function: potential role in diabetic macular edema.
Drug-related ncRNA NO

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